| | The Great Evolution from Brontosaurus to Brontobyte From SAB lectures Download the file "Text Big Data Analytics case study Third Wave - Internet of Words" Compared to the previous age, the current 21st century seems to be a mysterious and unique in the history of the planet as it was the Paleozoic era and the Cambrian explosion. Since the beginning of Cybernetic revolution during period 1940-1980, humankind jumped down into the «rabbit hole». More and more things around can be converted to digital form – Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier have called it «datafication» [1; 2]. Data amount is growing, different data streams fill the Data «ocean». Just recently we measured digital data in Terabytes (around 655,360 web pages have one Terabyte volum). Now we can laugh at our underestimation of the situation. Today the amount of data processed by Google per day is equal 20 Petabytes. Data became fast, mobile, on-line. It isn’t even only Big Data as Clifford Lynch named it in 2008 [3]. It’s Fast Live Stream Data with growing and growing volume – Exabyte, Zettabyte, Yottabyte, Brontobyte… Our consciousness has expanded along with the growth of Information Technology, today we can imagine what is the Brontobyte. The most successful pioneers on the new direction «Data Science» are people that use to understand the infinity of Data, like famous Multidisciplinary Data Scientist Kirk Borne who has become Data Science from astrophysics [4; 5]. Russian scientist Professor Tatyana Chernigovskaya once said that number of neurons connections in the human brain are more than the stars in the Universe [6]. Human has the consciousness with neurons system that is comparable in complexity to the whole Universe. Exploring the Universe, we have realized an infinite amount of Data, and through this understanding we detected this infinite amount of Data around us and inside us. We began to create something alike our brain that could govern Data around. This intention led to create Computational Intelligence. If you ask who was the first in the world starting this way to new age of Computational Intelligence, the answer will be clear – Jay Forrester and his discovery that the world can be computed [7]. Jay Forrester The Internet as «Paleozoic ocean» is full of new computer software. Algorithms and mathematical models, computer programs transform Big Data to Smart Data. Here we can ask another question – what is the Smart Data created by computer software? The insight, solution, thought, or… consciousness? Together Smart Data and Computational Intelligence create new IT-objects, that from philosophy point of view can be «objectums» in virtual world. IT-objects are evolving. Now we are witnessing the period of IT-«Cambrian explosion» – more and more objects appear, they are getting bigger and more complicated, theirs diversity expands. After period of IT-«Cambrian explosion» period of Data-«Mesozoic era» will become: different robots with different software. The next step of evolution will be Data-«Cenozoic era» – robots as humans. During this period humanity will be exposed to a number of risks. One of the risks will be transition from society system «People-to-IT» to system «IT-to-People». What does it mean? Society system «People-to-IT» is human interaction with Computational Intelligence with human predominance. While IT-objects are still just objects, people remain to be subjects that explore objects. System «IT-to-People» means predominance of Artificial Intelligence, while AI would be subject that explores people as the objects. It isn’t easy to predict in what way AI will enter into human society. For example, you can see the picture «At school» made in 1910. It’s old postcard from collection of National Library of France, Villemard, published later in 1986 by Isaac Asimov in the book «Futuredays: A Nineteenth Century Vision of the Year 2000». The painter Jean-Marc Côté and team of artists presented the view about future process of education through «technology». It’s very close to concept of computer but the painters hadn’t known computer in 1910. May be French painters heard about American inventor Herman Hollerith and his electromechanical punched card tabulator (that in 1896 had been forerunner for Tabulating Machine Company, which in 1924 has been named International Business Machines or IBM). May be painters heard about Russian mathematician Alexey Krylov, that was the first who created computational integrating mechanical machines in 1903. But obviously Jean-Marc Côté couldn't know IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator «Mark I» created in Harvard University in 1941. Postcard «At school» made in 1910 The same we can say about current attempts to describe future level of Computational Intelligence and AI. We have heard a little about Quantum computing, NBIC-convergence, blurred edge between animate and inanimate nature as prion without nucleic acids, Leonard Adleman and Ehud Shapiro molectronics DNA computing, etc. We don’t know the future. Today we only have IBM Watson supercomputer, question answering computer system. And our vision about future Computational Intelligence and AI is the same as Jean-Marc Côté vision about future computer. IBM Watson supercomputer
Elon Musk at the Code Conference in California in 2016 said that humans need «Neural Lace», something as additional «layer» of Digital Intelligence [8]. It’s a wireless brain-computer interface capable of augmenting natural intelligence, that could work symbiotically with the rest of a human’s body. Today the first attempts to create Augmented Reality implement. Elon Musk proposed to implant technology into human brain. The concept of Augmented Reality is included into revolutionary trend of Transhumanism (H+). So we have already had at least three concepts about new intelligence, not native: Computational Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Intelligence. All of them bear the dangerous for humankind as controlled «Internet of People» instead «Internet of Things». But we don’t say that people should ban to elaborate not native Intelligence.
Augmented Reality and Neural Lace will strengthen the bond between people making from different individuals the common connected frame. Paul Burkhardt, computer science researcher in the Research Directorate at NSA, wrote that «brain is a Big Graph, a network of trillions of neurons connected by synapses, whose topology shares common characteristics with other graphs, such as social networks» [9]. Graph (group of associated objects) in brain is in general the same as graph of roads connecting cities, electricity power grid or flight paths between airports. The Internet and Social networks have already connected people around the world, but personal mobile phones have stronger effect to people ties. It should be mentioned that the Internet and Social networks are abstract and distant from humans, but mobile phone is close IT-thing to human body that determines it’s stronger influence on people connection. Smart watches, smart glasses, smart contact lens have an even stronger effect on people connection because they are fixed on body. Concerning Augmented Reality and Neural Lace the distance between human and the communication device will absent, and influence will be direct as controlled «Internet of People». Graphs, left – Image reprinted from [9; 10], right – Image reprinted from [9; 11]. REFERENCES
1. K. Cukier, V. Mayer-Schoenberger. «The Rise of Big Data». Journal Foreign Affairs. 2013. Vol. 92. No. 3. pp 28–40. 2. V. Mayer-Schönberger, K. Cukier. Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think. Eamon Dolan / Mariner Books. 2014. p. 272. 3. C.A. Lynch, «Big data: How do your data grow?». Nature, vol. 455, no. 7209, pp 28-29. September 3, 2008. 4. K. Borne. «Five Fundamental Concepts of Data Science». Statistics Views. 2013. Available at: www.statisticsviews.com. 5. K. Borne. Lectures on American TEDx Global Forum. George Mason University, USA, TEDxGeorgeMasonU, 2013. 6. T.V. Chernigovskaya. Lectures on American TEDx Global Forum. Perm-2009, Moscow 2011. 7. J. Forrester, World Dynamics, Moscow, Russia: AST, 2003. 8. E. Musk. «Humans Need Neural Lace to Compete With AI». Newsweek. 6.02.2016. Available at: http://europe.newsweek.com/elon-musk-neural-lace-ai-artifici... 9. P. Burkhardt. «Big Graphs. The Next Wave». NSA/ CSS. Vol. 20. No. 4. 2014. 10. M.P. Van den Heuvel, R.S. Kahn, J. Goñi, O. Sporns. «Highcost, highcapacity backbone for global brain communication». Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1203593109 (figure 1(b)). 11. Thirst. Project: O’Hare Terminal 5 Mezzanine Mural. Client: Westfield Development. Available at: www.3st.com/work/terminal5murals. (Illustration built using Processing Data by http://OpenFlights.org.).
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